Taking care of your asphalt surfaces is essential to maintain the curb appeal of your property and reduce the risk of accidents or injuries. Neglected cracks and blemishes can quickly escalate into substantial issues, allowing moisture to permeate and compromise the structural integrity of your asphalt.
Cedar Hill Paving Ltd. is specialized in asphalt maintenance and repair. Our dedicated team is here to provide swift and effective repairs to ensure your asphalt can withstand the rigours of daily use for years to come. If your parking area, roadway, walkway, or driveway needs repair, consider reaching out to our team today.
Our trained professionals are qualified to assess existing conditions and recommend appropriate solutions based on your specific needs and budget.
If you are looking for a more in-depth consultation, Cedar Hill Paving Ltd. offers Pavement Assessment Surveys to property managers in Toronto and surrounding areas. For a fee, we will provide a detailed report of site conditions and recommendations that include pictures and a highlighted sitemap (when provided).
The detailed survey document (Pavement Assessment Survey) will address the condition of asphalt and concrete surfaces and can be communicated to clients, board members, or tenants to determine which repairs are most pertinent.